Recent Posts
- 90th Birthday
- Vimy LOL 2697 Takes part in the Whitby Heritage Days
- Wishwalk for Children's Wish foundation
- Royal Arch Degree Day at the County of Toronto
- County of Toronto Annual Meeting
- Birchcliff's Annual Family Hockey Day
- Grand Master's Invitation to Emergent Meeting
- Royal Scarlet Degree Day
- Glorious Twelfth in Bobcaygeon
- Gordon Frew Memorial Golf Tournament
- Annual Wayne Lowery Lob Ball Tournament
- 156th Annual Session of the Loyal Orange County Lodge of Toronto
- 90th Birthday for Brother John Strange
- Birchcliff's Annual Hockey Day
- Act of Remembrance at the 156th Annual Sessions.
- Late Brother John Wells
- 100th Anniversary of the death of Lt. Colonel John McCrae
- 200th Annual Toronto Orange Parade
- Queen's Platinum Jubilee