Gordon Frew Memorial Golf Tournament
Early in the morning of Saturday August 16th 2014, the members and supporters of Vimy Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2697 gathered at the Country Lane golf course in Whitby for 18 holes of fun and fellowship.
The Tournament attended by nearly 40 participants was organized by the Worshipful Master of Vimy LOL, Brother Lynn Barr, to recognize the service of the lodges late Worshipful Master Brother Gordon Frew. Brother Frew the immediate past Master of Vimy passed away during his term of office and the current Master, Brother Barr felt it his duty to pay tribute to his efforts in the continued success of the new and vibrant lodge in the heart of Whitby. Brother Frew was a dedicated supporter of our Canadian Troops and the charity chosen for this golf tournament was Wounded Warriors a charity close to Brother Frew’s heart.
The morning began sharp at 8 am and the fun continued throughout the morning and early afternoon winding up in time to miss the rains. Food and refreshments were served at the Glasgow Rangers Supporters Club in Whitby where all the golfers joined to share their stories of missed puts and fantastic drives. Prizes were awarded and a raffle was held. Most important was the donation made to the Wounded Warriors Foundation with a presentation to the co-founder of the foundation in the amount of $1,000.00.
In all a wonderful day of reflection on Brother Frew and friendships formed and cemented on a great day. Well done!