156th Annual Session of the Loyal Orange County Lodge of Toronto
156th Annual Meeting
The 156th Annual Session of the Loyal Orange of Toronto took place on Saturday January 24th 2015 at the County Orange Hall of Toronto, 417 Kennedy Rd. in Scarborough. The meeting began at 10 am. Reports of the years activities, as well as reports of committees were presented for the memberships information and approval. Along with the usual business of the day the County Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Donald Guy welcomed the Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, Rt. Wor. Bro. Keith Wright and the Most Wor. Grand Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada M. Wr. Bro. John Chalmers.
At the conclusion of the afternoon the County Master Bro. Donald Guy called upon the Grand Master Bro. Keith Wright to conduct the election of officers of the County of Toronto for the year 2015.
The results of the election are as follows;
County Master; Bro. Gerry Morgan
Deputy Master; Bro. Thomas Forster
Jr. Deputy Master; Bro. Jeremy Metcalfe
County Chaplain; Bro. Rev. Dennis Glazier
County Secretary; Bro. Donald Guy
County Treasurer; Bro. Adrian Watt
County Financial Secretary; Bro. Craig Oliver
County Marshal; Bro. Kevin Guy
1st Lecturer; Bro. John Thomas
2nd Lecturer; Bro. Neil Reid.
The Public Installation of these officers will take place on Sunday February 22nd 2015 at the County Orange Hall, 417 Kennedy Rd. in Scarborough.
For full details and information please visit the County Website at www.orangelodge.org